Africa Beckons Adventure Lovers For Hot-Air Balloon Safaris

Adventure tourism is a fast-growing category in the holiday sector due to unforgettable memories of the experience, which allow tourists to do extraordinary things. It supports local communities, encourages sustainable practices, and attracts high-value customers. Thus, the growth of this sector immensely benefits destination economies, their tourism, the environment, and their people.

Hot-air balloon

Africa Beckons Adventure Lovers

Africa Beckons Adventure Lovers

It is alleged that ballooning in Kenya is magical and once in a lifetime experience. Hot-air balloon flights grab the attention of any adventure-loving modern-day tourist. They are now available from the beach towns in Australia to the wildlife reserves in Africa. A perfectly managed and well-designed ballooning experience can lead not only to positive word of mouth but also to high satisfaction.

Safe adventure

Interestingly, although ballooning is categorized as adventurous, they are only feasible in areas with adequate landing and take-off spaces. It provides a quiet adventure in relatively nonturbulent and calm wind conditions. Most tourists describe the ballooning experience as safe after witnessing a smooth landing performed by a professional and skilled pilot. This shows that soaring high in a hot-air balloon is not a fearsome activity but a safe adventure.


Balloon experience consists of 4 dimensions that provide customer satisfaction. They are physical, cognitive, emotional as well as spiritual corresponding to esthetic, education, entertainment, and escape respectively. Esthetic, entertainment and escape are much more important than the education dimension in creating satisfaction.

1) Esthetic

The esthetic dimension relates to a sense of pleasure in sensory organs. Within this dimension, tourists are influenced by the environment. Nature trips, beautiful scenery, and artistic value spaces are all evaluated within the esthetic experience dimension. Tourists use laudatory expressions in their descriptions of tranquility and sunrise.

2) Education

A balloon safari is a kind of leisure activity that provides knowledge about the region, pre-flight preparation, formation, landing, and navigation system. Thus, guided tours are very important for the dimension of education. The expertise of local guides and the balloon pilot are aspects that would activate the education dimension.

3) Entertainment

The entertainment dimension provides customers with positive emotions and feelings. Well-organized and satisfaction-focused ballooning with high standards can contribute to the creation of entertaining vacations.

4) Escape

Tourists want to experience extraordinary activities to get into a magical world and to temporarily leave behind daily life routines. Ballooning provides such escapism. The escape dimension also relates to feelings of peace, love, passion, and romance.


Güzel, Özlem & Şahin, İlker. (2020). Experiential Aspects of Balloon Tourism within the Context of Destination Marketing: A Qualitative Study, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, vol.14, no.3, pp.793-810, 2019.

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